The Farmhouse – Brooksville, Maine 2015
Once upon a time there was a summer different from all others. It was the summer Eric and Michael spent in Maine with their parents and Uncle Deven and Lala.
There were beach days brought snacks and they swam on Uncle Deven’s back, splashing back and forth with him, exploring the rock at Spirit Cove, finding pirate caves, a driftwood shelter, mussels, beach glass, shells to string and wear around their necks. There were blueberry pancakes Uncle Deven made, and lobster dinners with clams and corn and playing catch from Eric’s special rock, flying a balsam plane, blowing bubbles. There were ball games and horseshoes on the farmhouse lawn, playing catch with Pooh’s honey pot, playing in the red castle, games of Candy Land, reading One Morning in Maine and Tug the Pup books and Ant and Bee books. There were cloudy days of puzzles and hot dogs and the Magic Bridge and arms up to fly “flaps up and – up up and away into the sky where the seagulls fly” and coming in for a landing – flaps down and onto the ….. and a visit to the miniature houses in Stonington and Fisherman’s Friend Restaurant and the Fisherman’s Platter as we remembered it and the last ride forever on the Miss Lizzie, the mail boat, to Isle au Haut through countless islands and the long days of loving that summer in Maine.