Do I write to admit, confess or conceal?
Some days writing feels more like hiding other days I spill truth like blood (gushing from a wound)
Some days I register ideas other days sad leaking words startle me
Stumbling I try to track disappearing words
missed meanings MixXeD up usage
Shame for what came once so *___________________
Now I draw a line where the right word fell into its proper place
a __________________ for the missing word
Empty spaces grow into longer lines
*effortlessly – this word appeared 6 hours later from beginning this poem
Thank you for your kind words
Thank you
Very thoughtful. very engaging
And yet, you courageously continue to concoct creations. Congratulations. I think about what I might write but do not put pen to page, finger to keyboard, editing, excusing, and excuse-ing. Thanks Davyne. xo